Xoloitzcuintli are an ancient dog breed and among the oldest breeds in the world. They have survived conquistadors, colonization, and were nearly driven to extinction through cross-breeding with imported European dogs. An expedition in 1954 to the remote villages where they had not been interbred with other dogs led to the breed lines we have today. It has been through a concerted effort to preserve this ancient, historic, and deeply culturally significant dog that it has begun to flourish once again.
The name calls back to their heritage. Itzcuintli is the Aztec (Nahuatl) word for dog. Xolo is for the Aztec deity Xolotl, the god of death, lightning, and fire. It is believed that he gifted Xolos to mankind. These dogs were believed to guard souls across the river to enter the first level of Mictlan, Xolotl's domain and the afterlife. One glance from a Xoloitzcuintli and you will feel the weight of them looking into your soul.
Xolos have been inspiring humans for millennia, and it is our hope that with preservation and ethical breeding that they will continue to do so for many more.